Amazing Race Canada 2017

Amazing Race Canada 2017

Roof-top Highline Walk

Amazing Race Canada is the most-watched Canadian TV Show.   For this stop, contestants how to test their fears and skills as they were challenged with a 30m highline walk from roof-top to rooftop, high above the busy city below.  If they fall … they fall – 15m, before a bungee cord catches them.  Once successfully crossing the gap, contestants would receive their next clue and continue on the race.

Project Description:

For this stunt, contestants will be required to cross a 1″ piece of Tantalus Polyester Webbing from one roof-top to another at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Vancouver.   Contestants will be secured using an overhead safety line and will be attached to a 5-meter bungee.   Contestants will also have a rope to assist their balance during their attempts.   A hauling system will be in place to retrieve contestants when they fall.


  • Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Skills and Tasks:

  • Rope Access Work
    • Setup 2 slacklines from roof-top to roof-top
    • Setup an overhead safety line
    • Rig a haul retrieval system
    • Testing and engineering compliance
  • Shoot Day
    • Operate the stunt for every contestant

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