

Yosemite Valley

Just before Brent's shoulder surgery, we spent an amazing week in Yosemite Valley climbing rigging some some of the lines.  A week in the valley -- only enough time to get a taste of what it [...]

By |November 28th, 2014|Categories: Photos|0 Comments

The Itus

"The Itus" - (64m, 300m high) located in the North North gully of the Squamish Chief. This impressive line has many stories of tough battles, long days and heavy bags but its all worth it. [...]

By |October 8th, 2014|Categories: Videos|0 Comments

Deez Nuts

"Deez Nuts", 15m long and 200m high, across a notch in the North North Gully of the Squamish Chief.  This epic location is great for slackers of all levels who want to come out and [...]

By |August 7th, 2014|Categories: Videos|0 Comments

Freezing “Deez Nuts” Off

It's never too cold or snowy for first ascents.   Having snowed a meter in the past week and another 15cm in the weekend forecast, why not head up the Squamish Chief to rig [...]

By |February 23rd, 2014|Categories: Adventures|Comments Off on Freezing “Deez Nuts” Off


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